Ersetzen wird Mullen den bisherigen Vorsitzenden der Vereinigten Stabschefs Marine Corps General Pete Pace. Pace war der erste Marine, der dieses Amt bekleidete. Dies tat er seit genau zwei Jahren, was einer Amtszeit gleichkommt. Normalerweise hätte Pete Pace noch eine zweite Amtszeit lang dienen können. Dies wäre jedoch nur durch eine neuerliche Bestätigung durch den US-Senat möglich gewesen. Verteidigungsminister Gates zog es jedoch vor, Pace nicht in die Senatsanhörungen zu schicken, da diese wohl ziemlich hässlich hätten werden können. So riet Gates Bush, einen neuen Vorsitzenden zu suchen. Dieser Blog hält dies zwar für Feigheit vor dem Feind (zumal Pace, so heißt es, den Kampf gerne aufgenommen hätte), doch die politischen Realitäten auf Capitol Hill sind halt insgesamt recht hässlich und dem muss ab und an eben Rechnung getragen werden. Robert Gates sagte dazu heute scherzhaft:
"The closest I've been to live combat is going to the Hill to testify, which is
why I've always wanted Pete there by my side."
Er würdigte Pace u. a. mit den Worten:
"Through it all, he has carried himself with humility, dignity and grace;
qualities that were on display when he joined those battle- weary Marines in the
rubble of an ancient city halfway around the world, and incurred, as he said, a
debt he could never fully repay. Pete, I believe I speak for everyone in the
nation when I say your debt has been more than repaid. In my service under seven
presidents, I have been privileged to serve with many great leaders. You are one
of the very finest."
Auch Präsident Bush fand nette Abschiedsworte:
Peter Pace selbst fand in seiner Abschiedsrede deutliche Worte: Über die politischen Debatten in Washinton sagte er, dass es nie darum gehen könne, ob sich Amerika in einem Krieg befinde, sondern wie dieser am besten zu führen sei, um "unsere Freiheit und unseren way of life zu erhalten. Eine klare Absage erteilte er allen, "who are more interested in making somebody else look bad than they are in finding the right solution. They are more interested in letting their personal venom come forward instead of talking about how do we get from where we are to where we need to be". Warme Worte richtete Pace an die Adresse Präsident Bushs:"Pete has devoted his life to those who wear our country's uniform. And they are
devoted to General Pace. They're among the hundreds who've received his advice
and friendship. They're among the thousands who lined up at military bases
during his final tour to shake his hand and wish him well and say goodbye.
They're among the millions whose names he will never know but who will always
remember him. And they include that single soldier who came up to the General on
his last visit to the war zone. He looked at General Pace with gratitude,
respect and pride, and said, 'Thanks for your service. We'll take it from
"All of us, certainly all of the Joint Chiefs and all of your combatant commanders, appreciate the way that you've listened. We wish that all of America could see their president and our commander of chief making decisions after listening very carefully. And for all of us who wear the uniform, thank you for not only making tough, right decisions, but also for standing behind us andsupporting us and never wavering once you've given us a mission to do."
Dieser Blog wird nie vergessen, wie dieser gestandene Marine Pete Pace am diesjährigen Jahrestag des 11. September die letzten Worte seiner Trauerrede vor dem Pentagon nur noch mit gebrochener Stimme sprechen konnte. Er verstand, welche Mission am 11. September 2001 auf die US-Streitkräfte zukam. Immer wieder sprach er davon, dass jenseits aller politischen Debatten in Washington nur der Sieg gegen den Terror das Ziel sein kann und dass jeder einzelne US-Soldat, egal wo auf der Welt im Einsatz, seinen Dienst im Gedenken an die 3000 Opfer von 9/11 tut - mit dem Ziel, ihre Mörder und deren Unterstützer zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen.
Semper Fi, General Pace!
1 Kommentar:
Oh my God!
The U.S. election process is heating up, and the mud is spreading! Hillary Rodham Clinton, the leading Democratic candidate for U.S. President, is being sued in the state of California in what may be the largest election fraud in U.S. history. All news of this case has been effectively censored in the U.S. mainstream media.
Hillary may have violated the law by not reporting large contributions to her successful 2000 campaign for the New York Senate. Mr. Peter F. Paul claims that his contributions were omitted from the public reports filed with the Federal Election Commission, and Hillary denies all knowledge of these contributions. See the latest ruling in Paul vs. Clinton.
Hillary even denies knowing Mr. Paul, who made the contributions to her 2000 Senate campaign. A video produced by the Equal Justice Foundation of America has been viewed more than 650,000 times. A case such as this would normally end any politician's career in the United States.
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